Tianjin Jinlaifu Chemical Trading Co., Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: stearic acid
CAS No: 57-11-4
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Carboxylic acids
Product spec: 99%
Post Time: 2010-09-20
Description: Properties: pure white slightly waxy luster small piece of crystal. Melting point :71.5-72 ℃ 69.6 ℃ Boiling point: 232 ℃ (2.0kPa) Flash point: 220.6 ℃ Self-ignition point: 444.3 ℃ Relative Density: 0.9408 Refractive index: 1.4299 Stability: 360 ℃ decomposition (otherwise information according to 376.1 ℃) Toxicity: Non-toxic
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